Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Cool Christmas Mode

Can you believe that Christmas 2012 is exactly three weeks away?
I'm slowly starting to come to that realization myself. In fact, I haven't done anything remotely joly yet. The only plans that have been made at this point are the decorating of the house this weekend. That's it. There's no festive menu planned and worse ... I haven't done any Christmas shopping either.
In the past, I was so much more organized. Presenst were purchased and tucked safely away months in advance. Lists were made with breakfast, lunch and dinner plans from Christmas Eve until New Year's Day. I even spent vast amounts of time coming up with a Christmas theme for decorating the house. Perhaps that was my way of hoping to stay out of all the holiday madness that errupts once the end of November rolls around. Maybe I thought that planning ahead was the only way to really enjoy the holidays. That, or I was a terrible control freak. I'm thinking the last is probably closest to the truth.
I seem to have lightened up a little though this year and time will tell whether or not that's a good thing. What I can say is that this 'cool Christmas mode' is a heck of a lot more relaxed. Why would I plan what we eat for a whole week or bother making sure the ornaments in my tree match? It's just plain useless, silly and definitely not what Christmas is about. I'm putting up every single ornament this year because each one is more than just an object. Each one is a memory.
Cherished traditions just happen. They don't require space in our agendas or any prior planning. I know for sure that in a few weeks time, we'll all be squeezing into a tiny booth for our annual (and very silly) family photo. I also know that there will be many evenings spent watching the movies we love, baking our favorite treats, drinking hot chocolate and just enjoying each other's company. Who knows? maybe we'll even pick up another tradition along the way.
Isn't that what this month is all about? Go on, give yourself a break this year. Forget that Christmas stress, relax, take a deep breath, be grateful and enjoy December.

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