Thursday, September 03, 2009

Life- with Some Writing, Thinking and Dreaming

Well! How busy can one possibly be? BUSY! This year I was awarded the role of mentor for the first- year students (freshmen) at the school where I work. Rewarding, but very demanding work! Luckily, I can now say (after a very difficult first couple of weeks) that it looks as though I'll be able to handle it all.

Aside from that, I've been doing a lot of writing, a lot of thinking and a lot of dreaming.

The writing: read my latest article about the Dutch lavender fields here:
Viva Lavandula's Lavender Fields


And the dreaming: Hans and I proudly introduce you to our new company, La Douce Vie!! We decided to combine his passion for photography with my passion for food. This October we will be visiting the location we are planning on renting for our upcoming creative weekends! So, if all goes well- we'll be spending a lot of time in France- doing what we LOVE!
PS: The site is still under construction, so there's no English version yet! The final version is planned for the end of October. We'll then reveal our beautiful location and launch our advertising campaign!

And one more piece of good news: I have found a location to host large groups so as of now, I can also offer group lessons in the French kitchen!
Have a look here for more info: Group Lessons


Jen said...

It sounds like you have a lot of wonderful adventures coming your way!

Miezz said...

Wooow a company!
do you know that you'r really cool?

Paola Westbeek said...

Thanks Jen!!! :) I'm one busy bee- and I love it!

Hello lovely Michelle! Thanks sweetie! Your very cool too!!! Big hugs!

Vicky said...

This sounds so exciting! Good luck and I'd love to hear more about it... It's something I'd definitely be interested in doing, although I don't own a proper camera!