My friend Beatriz tagged me last week for a meme and as promised, here are seven facts about myself, before we talk sweets.
1. My family used to hang out with Juan Valdez! I remember him visiting my aunt Estrella (my middle name by the way) many, many times in New Jersey. A few times, friends would ask to take a picture with him, which was pretty funny, because despite his fame, to us, he was just Carlos Sanchez. He retired in 2006 and was replaced by Carlos Castañeda, the new Juan Valdez.
2. My high school years were spent in a uniform, hanging around nuns and being a major nerd!
3. I was a young bride. I met Hans at 19, married him at 20 and became a mom at 21. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing.
4. I had Kirstie at home, in my own bed, with nothing else but the power of the mind. I started to do yoga as soon as labor started and did it right up until delivery. It was the most wonderful, euphoric and life- changing experience ever.
5. My dearest friend Maggie gave birth to her daughter, Natalia, on Hans' birthday two years ago, while we were at a Beatles Revival concert. Pretty cool I must say.
6. I literally dream about recipes, wake up, write them down and immediately get busy in my kitchen trying them out. Pretty much in the same way Paul McCartney came up with Yesterday.
7. And in case you haven't caught on- I am a major Beatles fan, hence the name of this blog- In My Life, one of my favorite Beatles' songs.
So, there you have it! I'll leave this open to anyone who wants to join in after me!
And now for the food!
I came up with this recipe after almost butchering another one. It's a lighter version of cheesecake, tiny in size, crustless and not too sweet. I served it with cherries from a jar. Not very seasonal, but I had one of those moments when I simply needed some cherries!
Crustless Mini-Cheesecakes
Serves 2
-175g cream cheese
- 2 tbsps honey
-1 tbsp Kirsch
-2 tbsps cornstarch
-1 egg, slightly beaten
-cherries or other fruit
Preheat oven to 200C. Beat the ingredients together in a bowl. Pour into two ramekins and put the ramekins in a tray. Fill the tray with hot water so that it reaches about halfway up the ramekins. Bake for 25 minutes. Serve warm or cold, with the cherries and perhaps a little powdered sugar.