Monday, July 18, 2011

Dinner For Two...and Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Wild Garlic Goat's Cheese

Ever since we became parents, Hans and I have made it a deal to have a dinner date at least once a week. Our dinner dates give us more quality time as a couple. We don't hire a babysitter and head to a restaurant, but instead we give Kirstie a nice meal and wait a little longer with having our own meal until she's gone to bed. If we're very hungry, we'll share a glass of wine and something small, perhaps some crackers and paté while Kirstie eats her dinner.
We usually plan our dinner dates on Friday or Saturday, and believe me, they are a wonderful way to keep connected. Making a point to sit down to a nice meal accompanied by a good bottle of wine gives us time to really talk about our lives, laugh and enjoy the moment together.
The fun begins with the planning. Where should we get our products from? What kind of wine should we have? Who's going to cook? How about dessert? We also make an effort to make our meal cozy and romantic.  There's always candles and usually a few French records playing in the background.
So what do we usually eat? Actually, most of the time we choose for simplicity. A perfectly grilled entrecôte with a nice salad and some good bread. Perhaps a duck breast finished off with a shot of armagnac and some pan-roasted potatoes. Sometimes an easy seafood pasta or some mussels with frites. 
Other times, I just wait for inspiration to hit and then run with an idea. Like this Friday when I decided to make something that required a little more effort- stuffed chicken breasts. I got the idea when I saw that my supermarket was carrying wild garlic goat's cheese. Being a  cheese lover, this was something I had to try! I imagined it would be wonderful with chicken- and it was! Should you not find goat's cheese with wild garlic, you can simply add some chives to a little soft goat's cheese.  The taste of wild garlic is milder and closer to chives in taste than to the stronger, normal garlic. 
A good excuse to making time for dinner for two tonight, perhaps?
Stuffed Chicken Breasts with Wild Garlic Goat's Cheese
Serves 2

mild olive oil
2 good chicken breasts
40g wild garlic flavored goat's cheese
few leaves of basil
2 slices of prosciutto
125 ml dry white wine
sea salt 
freshly ground pepper

Preheat oven to 180C. Make a pocket in each chicken breast and fill with the goat's cheese and the basil leaves. Secure with a wooden skewer and wrap lengthwise with a slice of the prosciutto. Season well with salt and plenty of ground pepper. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and fry the chicken breast for about three minutes a side. Transfer the chicken to a small casserole and add the wine to the pan, making sure to scrape up any brown bits.  Drizzle the wine juices over the chicken and pop the casserole in the oven.  Cook the chicken for approximately 25 minutes and serve with the juices. You might want to serve this with some steamed rice or creamy mashed potatoes. We had ours with spinach tortellini! 

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