I know, I know. It's like I totally dropped off the face of the Earth as far as my blog is concerned. Well, I do have plenty of excuses to justify my absence, so read on!
First of all, we are buying a new house! It was a carefully considered decision, and we're both terribly delighted about how lovely it is, but truth be told- I've shed a few tears thinking about the fact that we're leaving behind a place which will always remain my first 'real home', our first home.
So many memories! I don't even know where to begin! Perhaps it's best to begin at the very beginning and rewind back to December 17th, 1997- the day Hans and I decided to spend our first night in the new house, one day before the actual moving day. We had nothing with us except a mattress which we just threw on the kitchen floor! And because it was right around the holidays, our first piece of furniture (mattress not included) was a beautiful Christmas tree! I was 19 years old then, a crazy girl madly in love and totally oblivious to anything except living in the moment. Those days were spent in a rose- colored haze, pretty much until I found out I was pregnant about a year and a half later.
Perhaps the most beautiful memory I will take with me is the birth of my gorgeous child, Kirstie. She was born in our bedroom, on our own bed, on the last day of the past century- December 31st, 1999! I felt so proud to have her here in my own surroundings.
Not to be forgotten of course, is the fact that I learned to cook in this kitchen. The girl who couldn't boil an egg and thought that making pickle sandwiches was cooking (just pickles and white bread, mind you), was suddenly baking chocolate cakes and lusting after kitchen equipment instead of fancy clothes and makeup!
Oh and our garden! A garden which always stuck out like a sore thumb in this neighborhood simply because it was so wild and more importantly, used! I can't even begin to imagine how many meals and how many gallons of wine we've had here- and you know, we've also been sitting outside in the pouring rain, looking like complete idiots but feeling so happy!
Memories, memories! Sure it will be hard to close the door to this house next spring but I take comfort in knowing that new memories will be made in our new house!
The life changes don't stop there though because as of this Monday I will be a teacher's assistant at a Dutch High School! I will still continue with my own company but I'll also be working with a great team of people. I had the interview for the position last Thursday and was told I'd hear from them the following week. The next morning the phone rang at 8:30 AM and yes- I got the job!!
So, I hope you won't hold my absence against me! As you see, I was busy building myself a new life!
Stay tuned for a foodie post!
Paola, que bueno leerte de nuevo... felicitaciones, tu vida cambia, mejora, crece... Suerte con todo lo nuevo, el trabajo (vas a enseñar arte?), la casa, las recetas, etc. Un abrazo.
Gracias Beatriz!! Por eso estaba tan callada. Por ahora voy a empezar en el departamento de lenguages (Ingles), pero el jefe me pregunto si me provocaba hacer algo con arte en el futuro...imaginate que dicha! Estoy contenta!
Cuidate mucho,
Aw, congratulations, Paola! On both changes. I understand your feelings. When you get a chance, tell us about your new house, too. I'm sure you'll be very happy.
L. xoxo
That's great news, Paola, I'm sure you'll be very happy in your new home as well, and congrats on your job!
Thanks Lisa and Julie! It's going to be an interesting road up ahead!
Sounds like your year will be ending off in a wonderful way. And although change is difficult, I think it's almost always good!
A new home and a new job....congratulations! And just think, this may be the home you and your family grow old in!
Hey bella, gefeliciteerd with your new job! I raise my glass of Italian wine to you! :)
Thank you Sandy! What a beautiful way of putting it!
Grazie mille, Nicoletta! Italian wine is always welcome around here!
Hey Paola! Congrats on the new job!! xx
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